Influence of physical culture and health-improving classes with elements of korfball on physical fitness of children of senior age preschool


  • Viktoriya Pasichnyk Lviv State University of Physical Culture I. Bobersky, Ukraine
  • Ivan Talapa Lviv State University of Physical Culture. I. Bobersky, Ukraine



physical preparation, korfball, senior preschool age


The aim of the research is to determine the influence of physical culture and healthimproving classes with elements of korfball on the indicators of physical fitness of senior preschool children. The research was carried out in the UDO №51 in Lvov. The experiment involved 60 children (25 girls and 35 boys). The experimental group (EG) included 12 girls and 18 boys, the control group (CG) - 13 girls and 17 boys. In the CG the process of physical education was built on the basis of generally accepted guidelines and the content of the program "I am in the world" with the use of elements of sports games. In the EG, the content of the process of physical education was supplemented with the developed program material using korfball
means. Research methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and methodical literature data; educational formative experiment, observation, testing, methods of mathematical statistics. We determined the level of manifestation of the main motor qualities by a battery of tests: strength (dynamometry of the hands "Strongman"), explosive strength (throwing distance of the medicine ball "Zdorovyachok", the height of the jump up from the seat "Squirrel and Nut"), speed-strength (squats for 10 with "Vanka-vstanka"), flexibility (tilting the body forward from the sitting position "Kitten"), agility (throwing a tennis ball at the horizontal target "Hunter", maintaining balance while standing on the toes "Parrot", coordination of movements -
clapping hands over head and underfoot "Catch a gnat", the ability to assess the spatio-temporal parameters of movement - tossing and catching the ball "Hot potato", hitting the ball off the floor "Hammer in a nail"), speed (frequency of movements in running in place for 10 seconds "Centipede ", A temporary motor reaction in catching the" Catch a fish "line, the speed of local movement in throwing a plastic tennis ball" Fast hand "), power endurance (keeping the raised legs in the supine position" Bridge "), skilful motor skills (folding buttons into a box for 10 seconds "Tailor"). The results of the pedagogical experiment testify to a significant increase (p <0.01) of the results of physical fitness of children in the experimental and control groups.
However, in children from the EG, the increase in the analyzed indicators had a more pronounced tendency to growth, from sixteen indicators to eleven children achieved significantly higher results (p <0.05) compared to children with the CG, in particular in the development of strength, dexterity, explosive strength, fine motor skills and speed.

Author Biographies

Viktoriya Pasichnyk , Lviv State University of Physical Culture I. Bobersky

Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Associate
Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports and Recreational Games

Ivan Talapa, Lviv State University of Physical Culture. I. Bobersky

master's student of the second year of study of the Department of
Sports and Recreational Games


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How to Cite

Pasichnyk , V., & Talapa, . I. (2020). Influence of physical culture and health-improving classes with elements of korfball on physical fitness of children of senior age preschool . Sports Games, (4(18), 60–71.