Influence of the experimental programme on indicators of special physical fitness of basketball players of 13-14 years old
basketball players, speed, speed-power abilities, jump height, training, preparednessAbstract
The long-term training of basketball players can be successfully solved by taking into account the age-specific characteristics of children's development, their level of preparation and the characteristics of the development of physical qualities. The control of indicators of special physical fitness should be carried out annually, taking into account the scientific and methodological features of the training of young basketball players, with the aim of identifying and finding more effective means and methods of assessing the fitness of athletes at the stage of preliminary basic training. The purpose of the research is to determine changes in the level of special physical fitness of basketball players aged 13-14 under the influence of the experimental program. Materials and methods. The study was conducted during 2021-2022 and included several stages. Basketball players of the Lviv Regional Children's and Youth Sports School of the stage of preliminary basic training aged 13-14 (40 athletes) took part in the experiment, who were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group (20 people in each). The following methods were used to solve the tasks: theoretical analysis of scientific and educational literature; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. The results. Analyzing the dynamics of running for 6 m, it was established that the 13-year-old basketball players of the experimental group covered this distance in 1.57±0.02 s before the pedagogical experiment, after the pedagogical experiment, the athletes improved their time on the distance by 0.05 s, running in 1.52±0.01 with (p<0.05). Basketball players of the control group improved the result, but not significantly, by 0.02 s. After the experiment, the time was 1.56±0.02 s, before the experiment – 1.58±0.03 s (p>0,05). 14-year-old athletes of the experimental group before the pedagogical experiment covered this distance in 1.5±0.02 seconds. After the pedagogical experiment, the basketball players improved their time on the distance by 0.06 s, running in 1.44±0.02 s (p<0.05). In the 14-year-old basketball players of the control group, the time at a distance of 6 m after the experiment was 1.49±0.06, and before the experiment - 1.51±0.05, decreased by 0.02 s (p>0,05). In the 20 m running test, 13-year-old basketball players of the experimental group before the pedagogical experiment covered this distance in 3.9±0.06 seconds. After the pedagogical experiment, athletes improved their time by 0.23 s, running in 3.67±0.09 s (p<0.05). Basketball players of the control group improved the result of running this distance, but not significantly, by 0.03 s, before the experiment the time was 3.8±0.35 s, after 3.78±0.345 s (p>0,05). 14-year-old athletes of the experimental group before the pedagogical experiment covered this distance in 3.43±0.06 s, after the pedagogical experiment they improved the result by 0.22 s, running in 3.21±0.08 s (p<0.05). 14-year-old basketball players of the control group ran before the experiment in 3.4±0.38 s, after - 3.37±0.38 s. The relative jump height of 13-year-old basketball players in the experimental group was 42.3±1.83, after the experiment it was 47.7±1.78 cm (p<0.05). In athletes of the 13-year-old control group, the indicator improved by 1.8 cm, before the experiment it was 42.5±2.41, after the experiment it was 44.3±2.35 cm (p<0.05). In basketball players of 14 years of age in the experimental group, the result of the jump before the experiment was 43.5±1.92, after it was 49.2±1.90, it improved by 5.7 cm (p<0.05). In the representatives of the 14-year-old control group, the result before the experiment was 43.7±2.31, after the experiment - 45.8±2.20. Conclusions: The implementation of the experimental program made it possible to improve the indicators of special physical fitness of basketball players aged 13-14 years of the experimental group in the tests: running 6 m (p<0.05), running 20 m (p<0.05) relative to the height of the jump ( p<0.05), respectively, with athletes of the control group. For the age of 13-14 years, it is important to note sensitive periods favorable for the development of physical qualities, it is necessary to emphasize this when selecting tests.
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