Changes in motor skills of higher education students with visual impairments by means of goalball game
goalball, people with visual impairments, adaptive physical education, motor qualities, , motor exercises, students, motor exercisesAbstract
The article highlights the fact that the number of students with visual impairments is increasing. Physical activity of persons with limited mobility, in the education system, means of physical culture and sports is gaining more and more importance. The expediency of using goalball equipment for the development of motor skills in people with visual impairments is considered, which is relevant. The purpose of the study is to determine the dynamics of changes in the motor quality indicators of students with visual impairments during goalball classes. Research participants. 12 students, young men, aged 17-18, who had problems with visual impairment, took part in the study. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, methods of movement tests, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. The results of the study of the impact of goalball sports on the level of development of motor qualities of persons with disabilities, in particular persons with visual impairments in institutions of higher education, are presented. The effectiveness of goalball game tools on the development of motor skills in visually impaired students was determined, which contributes to adaptation to changing life conditions and regulation of compensatory motor actions. Thanks to the chosen methodology and regular practice of goalball, positive changes can be traced according to the following indicators: the increase in the average statistical value of the development of speed qualities in the representatives of the experimental group is 5.2%, (p<0.05). In control representatives, this indicator improved by 1.7%, which is significantly less (p>0.05). A significant difference of 13.6% (p<0.05) was registered in the indicators of the development of explosive power according to the test "Throwing a stuffed ball weighing 1 kg at a distance, sitting" belonging to the representatives of the experimental group, as well as in the athletes of the control group there were positive changes, but in a smaller percentage (p>0.05) (4.6%). The average statistical indicators of shuttle running improved by 4.8% (p<0.05), the results of representatives of the control group improved by 1.9% (p>0.05). The dynamics of indicators according to the "Walking to the goal" test was also 21.6% more likely (p<0.05) to be better in the representatives of the experimental group than in their colleagues from the control group, respectively, by 6.4% (p<0.05). Significant changes were registered in the speed of motor actions of the hands, according to the "Kopylov" test, by representatives of both studied groups, but the best dynamics of the growth of indicators according to this exercise of 8.4% also belong to the athletes of the experimental group. It is noted that the dynamics of the development of motor qualities of students is determined by the limit of their motor capabilities and the level of general physical fitness. Conclusions. Therefore, the analysis of the results of the study on the development of motor qualities in students with visual impairments showed that the representatives of the experimental group, who used the means and methods of training in goalball, had indicators of the speed of performing motor actions, the development of speed-power qualities, the ability to differentiate spatial and temporal parameters of movement significantly better than their colleagues from the control group.
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