. Performance indicators of the teams participating in the Rugby World Cup 2023.





rugby-15, gaming performance, group stage at Rugby World Cup 2023


The research centers on characteristics of competition activity of teams participating in Rugby World Cup 2023 aimed at revealing and analyzing modern tendencies and effective strategies in the field of sports. Given a high level of competition, teams interaction, their technical skills, tactical methods and game strategies have been studies. In the context of Rugby World Cup 2023 competition activity, factors that define teams’ success and failure have been revealed, which gives ground for elaboration guidelines regarding improvement of efficiency and training of teams for future games. The aim of the research is to analyze components of competition activity of the top world teams in rugby-15 at the preliminary stage in group D, namely the number of indicators of competition activity of teams participating in Rugby World Cup 2023. Materials and methods of research. Common methods of research were used: analysis of scientific and methodological references and Internet sources; analysis of official game scoresheets; methods of mathematical statistics; analysis, synthesis, and modeling of individual aspects of competition of activity of world’s leading rugby teams. Components of competition activity of five national teams in group D at Rugby World Cup 2023 have been analyzed. The World Championship was held in France on September 8 – October 28, 2023. Overall, 10 games were analyzed. Indicators of competition activity of rugby teams officially approved by International Rugby Board, IRB, have been used in pedagogical research. Namely, such components as the number of pints scored and allowed; the number of tries made and conceded, the number of passes; the number of kicks have been analyzed. Results.National team England had the best result in the indicator of points scored (150 points); by the indicator “the number of points allowed” players of the same team showed the best result (39); winners of group D (team England) had the biggest number of tries made (17); players of team England also kicked the ball the most (37.75 on average per game). At the same time, team Argentina had the best indicator in passes made (622). Conclusions. Analysis of components of competition activity proves that rugby players of team England and team Argentina display advantage in all the analyzed indicators, which resulted in the first place in group D at Rugby World Cup 2023.  

Author Biographies

Oleh Kvasnytsya , Khmelnytsky National University

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport

Valeria Tyshchenko , Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports


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How to Cite

Kvasnytsya , O., & Tyshchenko , V. (2024). . Performance indicators of the teams participating in the Rugby World Cup 2023 . Sports Games, (2(32), 59–70. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2024-2.05