Program and normative justification of tactical training of badminton players at different stages of multi-year improvement.
tactical training, content, structure, directions, improvement, volumeAbstract
Program and normative justification of tactical training of badminton players at different stages of multi-year improvement. The best practices of training athletes in sports games, and badminton players in particular, indicate that tactical training is the determining factor that enters the fight against the background of a sufficient and developed level of physical fitness and optimal possession of technical skills and abilities. Purpose: to identify actual requirements for tactical training of badminton players at various stages of multi-year sports improvement based on the content of program and regulatory documents. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, analysis of documentary materials, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The largest increases in the volume of training loads from technical and tactical training occur in the second and third years of training (57.58 and 84.62% compared to the volume of the previous year of training). In the future, increases continue, but at a slower pace. They make up about 18.5% when transitioning from the second to the third year of training at the stage of preliminary basic training, and 20.0% - when transitioning from the fourth year of the stage of preliminary basic training to the first year of the stage of specialized basic training. In all other cases, the rate of increase in the volume of training loads for technical and tactical training is from 7.14 to 12.50% compared to the volume of the previous year of training. In most years of training activity, badminton players are suggested to allocate from 44.5 to 38.5% of the volume of training loads for technical and tactical training. However, the distinction between technical and tactical training sections, unfortunately, was not made in the training program and no corresponding recommendations were provided. Conclusions. The developers of the training program planned to start considering the basics of tactics and assigning initial volumes within the theoretical training of athletes only from the second year of the stage of preliminary basic training. If the quality of the technical preparation of athletes is equal, the next decisive component of preparation is precisely the tactics and tactical preparation of badminton players. We tend to distinguish three blocks of training loads: volumes of selective influence on technical preparedness, selective influence on tactical preparedness and complex influence on technical and tactical preparedness of badminton players.
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