The Indicators of Coordination Abilities in 10-12 Year-Old Basketball Players
basketball, physical qualities, coordination abilities, static balanceAbstract
One of the priority areas of training for young basketball players is to improve their coordination abilities, which improves movement analysis, increases motor activity, and helps the athlete to orientate in space and time.. The research aim is to establish indicators of the level of coordination abilities in basketball players aged 10-12 years. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used in the work: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study of the state of indicators of coordination abilities of young basketball players aged 10-12 years was conducted in October 2023. The study involved a team of boys basketball players aged 10-12 years old in the amount of 10 young athletes and girls basketball players in the amount of 8 athletes from the PUSH TEAM basketball club from the Kremenchuk took part in the study. The following control exercises (tests) were used to assess coordination abilities: "shuttle run" 3x10 m with running around stuffed balls, running to numbered stuffed balls, static balance according to Bondarevsky's method, static balance according to Romberg's method. Results: It has been established that in the "shuttle run" test of 3x10 m with dribbling basketballs, 50% of young athletes have a low level of coordination abilities, 20% of basketball players have a high level, and 10% each have an above-average, average, and below-average level; girls 100% have a low level of performance. It was established that no young athlete has a high level of coordination abilities in the "run to numbered stuffed balls" test, 20% of basketball players have a good level, 40% have a satisfactory level, and 40% of young athletes have a sufficient level, all girls basketball players (100%) had a satisfactory level. The analysis of the testing of static balance using Bondarevsky's method with closed eyes for basketball players aged 10-12 showed that the average score for the team is 20.03±3.04 seconds, which is 3.3 seconds worse than the normative indicator. The analysis of the results of static balance testing according to the Romberg method of basketball players 10-12 years old showed that the average indicator for the team is 35.55±5.15 seconds, girls - 32.40±4.11 s and 42.30±4.28 s, respectively. Conclusion. Thus, it was established that despite the existing differences in individual test results, the level of coordination abilities of basketball team players, both boys and girls, is not sufficient for this qualification of players and requires the development of a training programme to improve coordination abilities.
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