Diagnosis of cognitive functions of basketball players of 12- 14 years for individualization of psychological training





basketball, cognitive functions, warning, memory, psychological training


The purpose of the research is to study the
individual characteristics of the performance of cognitive functions of basketball players aged 12-
14 for further development of a program of individual psychological training of athletes during the
annual macrocycle. Material and methods of research: analysis of scientific and methodical
literature, method "Schulte tables", test "Memorization of 10 words". A psychodiagnostic
examination of basketball players aged 12-14 and the children's team of the Junior Sports
Association was conducted. The study was conducted in two types, during the competition, and after
the competition. Peculiarities of mnestic functions and attention functions of young athletes at
different stages of competitive training activity are determined. It was found that basketball players
aged 12-14 years are competitive, characterized by a functional decrease in the productivity of
cognitive functions and mental performance. It is shown that all mental dysfunctions that occurred
in young athletes during the competition, returned to the age limit after the competition. The
structure of cognitive dysfunctions during competitions in basketball players 12-14 years is
determined by the narrowing of direct and long-term memory, reduced productivity of the memory
process, selectivity defects, narrowing of the amount of random attention, impaired concentration,
distribution, and switching. It is also shown that mental performance, in basketball players 12-14
years, in conditions of competitive activity is characterized by inhibition processes. After
competitions basketball players aged 12-14 have a hypertensive variant of asthenia, the mood and
condition of young athletes changes within a day with a predominance of excitement, irritability,

Author Biographies

Helen Gant, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Zhou Mingyu, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student


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How to Cite

Gant, H. ., & Mingyu, Z. (2024). Diagnosis of cognitive functions of basketball players of 12- 14 years for individualization of psychological training. Sports Games, (3(17), 4–13. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2020-3.01


