The effectiveness of the experimental program of speed and strength training of football players aged 13-14 with the use of blocks of specially selected exercises
young football players, training, methodology, testing, speed, speed-power qualitiesAbstract
Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of speed-strength
training of football players in the School "Crystal". Material and methods: twelve young athletes
aged 13-14 years took part in the study. The duration of football lessons for these athletes ranged
from 4 to 6 years. Duration of the study: October 2018 - April 2019. The following tests were
applied to determine the level of development of speed-strength preparedness of young football
players: 30 m run, 3 x 10 m shuttle run, long jump from standstill, jump up from the spot, throwing
the ball into range, hitting the ball at range. The essence of the technique of speed-strength training
of young football players was that three blocks of speed-strength exercises were provided for the
content of three trainings per week. The method of circular training was used, where the coach
divided the players into three groups. The whole block was carried out in 6 circles. Rest between
circles 2 min. The unit is designed for the development of leg muscles and upper shoulder girdle,
explosive strength and speed endurance. Results: after determining the level of development of
speed-power qualities at the beginning of the study and upon its completion it was established that
the changes occurred in all tests performed. According to the indicators of the general speed and
strength preparedness of young football players, it was found that according to the test the 30-meter
run the average value of the group changed from 4.8 s to 4.6 s (an increase of 4.2%); according to
the test, the shuttle run for 3x30 meters was 8.31 s, it became 7.86 s (an increase of 5.6%);
according to the test, a long jump from a standstill from 192.9 cm to 198.5 cm (an increase of
2.8%); according to the test, the jump up from a stand was 39 cm, it became 40.7 cm (an increase
of 4.2%). In terms of special speed-power readiness indicators, positive shifts also occurred:
according to the throw-in test, the results improved from 17.5 m to 18.3 m (an increase of 4.4%);
and in the test, hitting the ball at a range from 49.9 m to 51.6 m (an increase of 3.3%).
Conclusions: it has been experimentally established that the block technique of speed-strength
training of 13-14 year old football players is used in the training process is effective. Its application
allowed us to achieve significant shifts in almost every test test. However, there is the prospect of
further research, which is associated with the continued use of the developed methodology to
determine its effectiveness over a longer training period with a slight adjustment of its content due
to the introduction of integral exercises.
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