Features of gender similarities and differences among athletes who specialize in sports games
sports games, gender, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, biological sex, gender similarity, gender differencesAbstract
Purpose: identify the gender characteristics of male and female
athletes who specialize in sports games. Material and methods: 194 male students and female
students involved in sports games and have various sports qualifications, aged 17-26 years, took
part in the study. Such research methods were used as: S. Bem's “Masculinity / Femininity”
technique and Kettell's 16-factor questionnaire; methods of mathematical statistics.Results. We
examined and analyzed a group of sportgames in terms of their influence on the formation of a
gender type and revealed gender similarities and gender differences among male and female
athletes who specialize in various sports games. The subjects were 113 maleathletes and 81
femaleathletes. Among young men, the ratio of masculine and androgynous personalities is 60%:
40%, respectively.Girls - 59%: 41%. The largest number of masculine-type athletes were recorded
in volleyball (85%), and female athletes in handball (82%) and basketball (71%). Table tennis does
not contribute to the masculinization of either male athletes or femaleathletes. This type of sport is
dominated by personalities of the androgynous type - boys (70%), girls (60%). The similarities and
differences of masculine and androgynous male and female athletes with respect to their personal
qualities are established.Conclusions. In sports games there are more male athletes (60%) and
female athletes (59%) of the masculine type than the androgynous type. No feminine boys and girls
were identified as a result of the study. Sports games contribute to the masculinization of both boys
and girls.Training activities and high sports qualifications of athletes (56%) and athletes (66%)
contribute to the formation of their masculine personality type. When analyzing the personal
qualities of masculine and androgynous boys and masculine and androgynous girls, more
similarities were found between them than differences. The athletes did not reveal any differences at
all. And among athletes, differences are observed only in two factors: “susceptibility to feelings -
high normative behavior” and “conservatism - radicalism”.
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