Technical and tactical preparedness of football student representative teams




Competitive activity, technical and tactical preparedness, higher education institutions, pedagogical observations, defective percentage


The indicators of technical and tactical
preparedness of football players of various ages and qualifications are considered. Pedagogical
observations of the competitive activity of student football teams were conducted. The main goal is
to identify the technical and tactical preparedness of soccer students and conduct a comparative
analysis. Differences were found in the technical and tactical readiness of student teams. The
«KhDAFK-1» representative team performed an average of 161,4 ± 21,0 passes of the ball with a
defective percentage of 27,7% per game. «KhDAFK-2» has a much larger number of passes, but
the defective percentage is 35,3%. The players of «KhDAFK-1» performed – 100,9 ± 12,7 short and
medium passes of the ball across and backward per game, the defective percentage being 14,8%
per game. The average number of all ball passes per match is 313,8 passes, this figure is
significantly less than the model indicators of the leading teams of the national championship and
the best European teams, where the minimum number of ball passes per game is 450-500 ball
passes. In the games of the championship of higher education institutions in Kharkiv, the
«KhDAFK-1» football players performed an average of 35,0 ± 5,6 rival strokes per game, the
defective percentage was 42,5%. Football players of «KHDAFK-1» performed an average of 8
shots per game, the defective percentage was 46,1%. Players of the «KhDAFK-1» team performed
6,9 ± 1,0 shots on the opponent's goal per game, the defective percentage was 40%. The «KhDAFK-1» team performed 30,1 ± 6,4 tackles per game, the defective percentage was 56,1%. Players of the
«KhDAFK-1» team performed 24,4 ± 4,1 interceptions per game, on average, the percentage of
rejects was 10,2%. Similar indicators were obtained from the student representative team
«KhDAFK-2». Players of the first team significantly more (p <0,05) perform ball moves, short and
medium passes the ball forward, strokes of the opponent, tackles. The players of the student team of
the «KhDAFK-2» play heads more (p <0,05) than the players of the first team.

Author Biographies

Aleksandr Dovbiy , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture


Sergey Zhurid, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture


Viktoriia Khudiakova , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



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How to Cite

Dovbiy , A., Zhurid, . S., & Khudiakova , V. (2024). Technical and tactical preparedness of football student representative teams. Sports Games, (2(16), 21–27.