Intensity and efficiency of using pressure the high level teams
pressure, TTA, passes, defensive, tackle, interception, shots blockedAbstract
Purpose – is to define indicators of frequency and efficiency of using. Material and methods: the
research of competitive activity was carried out on the example of team-participants of the group
stage of the Champions League UEFA 2019/2020 season. The team games of group «C», FC
«Manchester City» (Manchester City, England), FC «Atalanta» (Bergamo, Italy), FC «Shakhtar»
(Donetsk, Ukraine), FC «Dynamo» (Zagreb, Croatia) were analysed. Such methods of research are
used as the analysis of scientific-methodical literature, registration of team technical-tactical
actions and methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the data characterizing the features of the
performance of defensive technical-tactical actions (TTA) by football players in a team-level game
are provided in the article. A total of 1436 defensive actions in 12 games of four teams were
recorded and analysed. The defensive, tackling, interception and shots blocking were included on
defensive actions. In addition, we have established the quantitative indicators of passes performed
by teams of the Champions League. After that, for determine the intensity and efficiency of pressure
by high qualification teams in games of the Champions League UEFA we have calculated Passes
allowed per Defensive Action (PPDA) indicator. The less this indicator is, the less its competitor is
able to make passes before his ball has actually tackled, and the better team uses pressure.
Conclusions: the research data showed differences in the intensity and efficiency of using pressure
from team-participants of the group stage of the Champions League UEFA 2019/2020 season of
group «C». The effective using of pressure contributes to the achievement of a positive result in
games, which affected the tournament position of the teams in this group.
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