Changes in coordination abilities at basketball players of the student’s team under the influence of specially selected exercises with balls




coordination abilities, students-basketball players, exercise with balls, jumps with turnovers


Well-developed coordination abilities allow students to master
basketball game more successfully. Due to the high level of coordination manifestations basketball
players can win rebound, be more accurate in throws, reduce the number of turnovers and make an
unexpected exact assist to the partner. Therefore, it is especially important along with improvement
of technique and tactics during trainings to devote time to development of exactly coordination
abilities. The purpose of the research is to improve coordination abilities of students-basketball
players through the use of specially selected exercises with balls. Material and methods of the
research. The following 4 tests were used for the purpose of identifying the indicators of
coordination abilities at basketball players of the students’ teams: rope jumping within 1 minute,
assist to the player in the center from 4 partners, jumping out for 50% of the maximum jump, jump with turn on the set angle (90° and 270°). 14 basketball players of the team KhSAPC who made up
the experimental group and 12 players of the team KhNMU – the control group took part in the
research. Basketball exercises were used to enhance coordination abilities at basketball players of
the experimental group. Complexes of exercises for development of coordination abilities were
included in each training activity. They consisted of 4-5 exercises. These were exercises on spatial
orientation, possession of the ball in a safe position in which basketball players performed 90°,
180° turns, simultaneously performing ball catching and assist, hit the ball to the partner, kicking
the ball in the basket, serial ball tamping in the backboard, dribbling without visual control, double
dribbling. Results of the research. The research strongly demonstrated the feasibility of using ball
exercises aimed at improving coordination capacity indicators. This is evidenced by the results of
comparative analysis of testing indicators of the experimental group before and after the
pedagogical experiment. Analysis of the results of the team KhSAPC when re-testing the physical
abilities of basketball players revealed an improvement in results for all tests. Conclusions. Using
the experimental methodology had a positive impact on the results of the coordination capacity
indicators. Thus, the increase by 24.29% was observed in the number of rope jumping within 1
minute; in number of assists from partners for 1 minute - by 12.11%; accuracy of landing after a
jump with turn on 90 ° – by 34.35%, on 270 ° – by 12.14%; a jump up from the place – by 2.11%, a
jump performance to the specified height – by 34.53%. The reliable changes were observed in rope
jumping during 1 minute, ball catching in 1 minute from 4 players, in accuracy jumping with a turn
of 90°, and jumping up 50% from the maximum (p < 0.05).

Author Biographies

Irina Pomeshchikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical education and Sport), assistant professor

Yuri Chucha, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

assistant professor


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How to Cite

Pomeshchikova, I. ., Chucha, N., Chucha, Y. ., & Kudimova, O. (2024). Changes in coordination abilities at basketball players of the student’s team under the influence of specially selected exercises with balls. Sports Games, (2(16), 58–68.