The analysis of injuries at students during sports games
injuries, student, reason, football, basketball, volleyball, handballAbstract
Materials and research methods: to solve the tasks the following
research methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological
literature, questionnaires; methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 182 students,
including 95 young men and 87 girls. These are students of the Faculty of Technology of Lutsk
National Technical University (106 students) and the Faculty of Mathematics of the East European
National University named after Lesya Ukrainsky (76 students). Organization of the study. The
questionnaire was conducted in the 2018 - 2019 academic year, among students, with the goal of
studying and analyzing the causes of injury during classes in sports games (football, basketball,
volleyball and handball). Results: during classes in sports games, during educational, training
processes and during competitions in frivolity, carelessness and even despite careful precautions is
the possibility of injury. Statistics show that the vast majority of damage occurs due to
organizational and methodological errors in the educational process and competitive activity, and
also depends on the level of physical, technical and tactical preparedness and health status of
students playing sports games. Conclusions: injuries in the process of a sports game are a fairly
common occurrence. 74.8% of students were injured in sports games. By the number of injuries,
young men prevail. The main causes of injuries in the process of motor activity, according to
students, should be considered shortcomings of an organizational and methodological nature.
According to the results of the questionnaire, it can be argued that all trainers, teachers, without
exception, have the knowledge and skills of first medical (pre-medical) care. The pedagogical
conditions that the trainer-teacher must create in order for the educational process in sports games
to be non-traumatic, in particular: the correct organization and methodology of classes; ensuring
the good condition of places for classes, equipment, clothing, shoes; use of protective equipment;
regular medical supervision; compliance with hygiene requirements; daily educational work.
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