Comparison of the training of football players in state and private sports organizations of Ukraine
theoretical and methodological base, communication, state and private structures, training of football players in Ukraine, norms of regulation, cooperation, comparisonAbstract
The beginning of the XXI century was
marked by active research of Ukrainian football in various directions. They also violated the
question of the productivity and efficiency of the structures involved in training professional
football players in Ukraine. However, despite the large number of works devoted to this field:
Nikolayenko V., Shamardin V., Lisenchuk A., Zelentsov A., Lobanovskyy V., etc., it is necessary to
state that in the domestic scientific literature no mechanisms of cooperation of different system of
organizations (in this case state and private sports organizations of Ukraine) that work for the same
purpose. Formation of the problem of lack of cooperation between public and private bodies
involved in training football players in Ukraine is related to a number of issues: the practical lack
of communication between them, the divergence of interests in general, and in particular the
formation of a communication base. One of the main problems to resolve this issue is to build a framework, the starting point for which is to define the basic concepts and interests. The purpose of the article is to: streamline available data, standard methods and approaches to identifying a
particular type of collaboration; coverage of the diverse and common nature of working with young
football players in sports schools and in professional football clubs; comparing the effectiveness of
preparing football players to develop a holistic view of the benefits of each system (compare to the
best European models); to promote enlightenment of the population on this issue and to express
their own vision at the expense of this problem. It is established that at the present stage of
development the position is clearly defined, which indicates that there is no state program, on the
basis of which the mechanisms of communication between the systems should be based: public and
private. It has been found out that the state system has been dominant in this field until recently, but
it is worth noting that today the situation is changing in the opposite direction. It is also quite clear
that the existence of one system without the other is actually impossible and less productive. An
optimal methodological basis for determining the issue of cooperation between the two systems
would be its model, which will be made on the basis of a strong union, which must exist on the
border of material and human values and contain norms of regulation between them for putting the
phenomenon into practice.
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