Comparative analysis of the functional status of students of volleyball players I-II courses of the National University of Pharmacy
Physical development, physical fitness, functional tests, Shtange test, Genche test, students, volleyballAbstract
Purpose: The article presents the results of testing the physical indicators and functional
status of students of the first and second year of the National University of Pharmacy under the
influence of training in volleyball section for one academic year. Materials and methods: 20
students of the National University of Pharmacy (NFU), first year (8 boys) and second year (12
boys) who were engaged in volleyball. During the examination were determined: body weight,
standing height, muscle strength of the hand, vital capacity of the lungs (VCL), heart rate (HR),
conducted a method of assessment of physical performance using the sample Ruffier and conducted
functional tests for respiratory retention (Shtange test and Genche test). Results: Our research has
confirmed the information of scientists, theorists and practitioners of higher education about the
poor state of physical fitness and health of students at Ukrainian universities. The presented
materials made it possible to ascertain the positive influence of section volleyball classes on the
indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the level of physical
performance and physical health of boys. The study confirmed the results of the authors on the need
to study changes in students' physical performance under the influence of different sports.
Conclusions: Research findings indicate that body weight, standing height, wrist strength, lung
capacity, and heart rate (HR) improved over the course of one academic year, but not significantly.
The results of the study indicate that the functional status of the first and second year volleyball
students improved during one academic year. The study confirmed the advisability of using section
volleyball with students.
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