Improvement of the coordination of movements of basketball players 17-19 years old due to the use of asymmetric exercises




basketball players, a sense of time, reproduction, angles, amplitude, changes


The purpose of the
study: is to improve the indicators of coordination abilities of basketball players aged 17-19 years
by means of specially selected asymmetric exercises. Material and methods of the research: the
study involved two groups of athletes aged 17-19 years with a total of 21 people (control group, n =
10; experimental group, n = 11). Scientific and methodological sources were analyzed to establish
the characteristics of the development of spatial and temporal reproductions of movement
parameters. To determine the level of coordination preparedness, were used tests: to determine the
accuracy of specified amplitudes (30˚, 50˚ and 70˚) in the elbow joint and a test to reproduce a
given (5 s and 15 s) time interval. The pedagogical experiment lasted 10 weeks and consisted of
introducing into the practice of the experimental group of specially selected asymmetric exercises,
the performance of which was as close as possible to the competitive conditions. For the analysis of
the information obtained, the Microsoft Excel software package was used, the accuracy of the
differences was established on the basis of the calculation of the Student's criterion, with p˂0.05.
Results: It has been established the some improvement in ability to reproducing time periods: the
average accuracy of reproducing a 5 second time interval improved by 2.92%, while the accuracy
of reproducing a 15 second time interval by 6.4%. The reproduction rate of the 15 second time
interval improved in all basketball players, after a pedagogical experiment. The reproduction rate
of the 5 second time interval improved in nine basketball players, in one athlete this indicator
remained unchanged and in another deteriorated. The changes in the indicators of accuracy of
reproduction of the specified amplitudes of movement in the elbow joint of the left and right hand
were found in the basketball players of the experimental group: in the indicators of the left hand, in
two cases, deterioration of the results after the experiment was observed, in the indicators of the
right hand, all results had an improvement. It was established that after the experiment, the
asymmetry index of the reproduction angles of 30˚ and 50˚ decreased, which indicates improved
coordination of the hands of the experimental group basketball players. Findings. The analysis of
scientific and methodological literature showed the relevance of the topic of selection and
application of new complexes of specially selected exercises for solving specific tasks of sports
training. The use of asymmetric exercises in the training process, which were carried out in
conditions close to the competition, had a positive effect on improving the coordination of
movements of the hands of basketball players and increased the ability of athletes to reproduce
longer time intervals and amplitudes of movements of players in the elbow joint.

Author Biography

Olena Nesen, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport)


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How to Cite

Nesen, O., & Pashchenko, N. . (2024). Improvement of the coordination of movements of basketball players 17-19 years old due to the use of asymmetric exercises. Sports Games, (4(14), 78–86.


