Information and communication technologies for studying basketball’ elements during physical preparation of students




basketball, student, technical, tactics, information technologies, program, computer


The article studies the
algorithms for using information and communication systems in basketball training. Purpose:
determine the level of influence information and communication technologies on the interest of
students to studying basketball elements during physical preparation. Methods: theoretical analysis
and synthesis of references; methods of information modeling of basketball study; questioning,
methods of mathematical statistics. Results: in the research took party students of Kharkov
National University of Radio Electronics 18-20 years old; computer study program of basketball,
handball and biomechanical modeling of movements was using in the research; questionnaire
found that the lowest of points scored the question of using computer programs for biomechanical
modeling of movements; the highest indicator was the question of determining the level of students'
interest in basketball. Regression modeling made it possible to determine the level of influence of
information and communication technologies and students' interest in studying the elements of
basketball in the process of physical preparation. The experimental part consisted in the fact that
over 15 training sessions, students were provided with information and communication
technologies as additional training aids. The system for constructing training process has not been
substantially changed. After the exercise, students were provided with electronic resources of
computer programs for self-study. Conclusions: as a result of introducing into the educational
process of future specialists a technical profile of information technologies for studying basketball
elements, a reliable increase in attendance rates and training quality was established. The level of
interest in basketball lessons using information and communication technologies for student
learning increased slightly, but did not have a significant difference in the growth rate.

Author Biographies

Ludmila Filenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor

Olena Tserkovnaya, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Filenko, L., & Tserkovnaya, O. (2024). Information and communication technologies for studying basketball’ elements during physical preparation of students. Sports Games, (4(14), 110–120.


