Development of student sports in NUUPES (at example of sports games)
sports, students, university, sports games, competitionAbstract
Student sport is an important part of the extra-curricular work of the institution of higher education, as evidenced by
numerous studies. Domestic scientists for the most part consider such issues as: historical,
organizational, normative-legal, personnel aspects of scientific developments, results of
participation of domestic athletes at World Universities. Foreign specialists mainly study the
motivation of young people to enter sports in higher education institutions.
Using the general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, observation, comparison,
systematization, questioning, conversations, mathematical statistics), the organizational principles
of the functioning of student sport at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and
Sports (hereinafter – NUUPES) were determined, the domination of the game types was determined
in student competitions; the motivation of students of representatives of sports games for spots was
investigated. The questionnaire for 1-4 courses students (n = 213) who are trained in sporting field
specializations revealed the following tendencies: a decrease in the coverage of sports activities of
students, especially after the first year of study; the highest motivation to engage in the sport of the
first year students; a proportional increase in the number of people wishing to go from I to 3
courses to attend sections from other sports. Differences were established in the motives of students
of different courses before doing sports; half of the students surveyed are satisfied with the
logistical support of sports activities, the conditions for the combination of training and training,
the number of competitions in NUUPES. Promising ways to improve sports work at NUUPES may be: organizational, informational,
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