Studying of the students’ opinion on results of practical training in the specialty (on the example of students of sports specializations of game sports)


  • Svitlana Сhervona Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine



students, basketball players, handball players, football players, tennis players, practice in the specialty, questioning


The main
purpose and the content of practice consist in mastering students of modern means, methods and
forms of the organization of work of a coach-teacher on the chosen sport, formation on the basis of
the gained knowledge, skills necessary for implementation of professional activity, adoption of
independent decisions, education of constant need of systematic updating of the knowledge and
creative potential and also its realization in practical activities. The purpose of the research -
studying of the students’ opinion of game sports by results of practical training in the specialty.
Research methods. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, questioning,
methods of statistical data processing. 62 students of the 4th year of study of KhSAPC of game
sports specializations took part in the questioning: tennis (10 students), handball (8 students),
volleyball (14 students), basketball (14 students), and football (16 students). The questioning was
carried out after practical training in the specialty. Results of the research. 58.1% of students
noted that practical training in the specialty is their first step to future profession, 42% of students
answered that the atmosphere in practice was formal, 31% of students hadn’t difficulties during
practical training, 64% of students were convinced of correctness of the professional choice, 46%
of students are ready to continue the work on the basis of practice further, 48% were offered
employment as young specialist. Students assessed the possibility of fixing knowledge and skills in
practice which were received for all the time of training in such way: 38.7% for "5", 45.2% - for
"4", 12.9% - for "3", 3.2% - "2". The possibility of check in practice of the professional
competences: 38.7% for "5", 38.7% - for "4", 22.6% - on "3". The possibility of collecting and
preparation of practical material for performance of qualification work is 54.8% for "5", 19.4% -
for "4", 22.6% - for "3", 3.2% - "2". In the future 80% of the interviewed students, who study at
sports specialization in game sports, plan an employment as a coach.


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How to Cite

Сhervona S. (2024). Studying of the students’ opinion on results of practical training in the specialty (on the example of students of sports specializations of game sports). Sports Games, (3(13), 56–63.


