Tactical training in training students who attend volleyball classes in an unsportsmanlike university


  • Nataliya Grutsyak V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine




Volleyball, game tactics, attack, defensive actions, students, unsportsmanlike university


The main thing in the team formation is using attackers and connecting players of the team and moreover it’s very essential not to copy the player’s
placement or play of other teams. Purpose: to determine the basic tactical attack and defense schemes which are used in the teams of the faculties of KhNU. Meterial and research methods. Pedagogical observation which has been conducting during 2017-2018 years , with the
participation of 8 men's volleyball teams of the faculties of the KhNU. VN Karazin during inter-university competition. The placement of the players and tactical interactions in defense and attack have also been analyzed. Results of research. It was established that the combined teams of faculties in connection with the level of their technical training most of all used a 2-4 placement. In defense, teams often used such interactions as a single block, insurance for a player who is free in a block, and in an attack - an attack from zones 2 and 4. The use of the author's methodology in the
work with the men's national team of the Volgograd KhNU team has led to the highest result that the team showed in the last season, as taking first place among the men's volleyball teams of universities in Kharkov. The university's volleyball team in competitions among universities applied
the game system 1-5; protective action, such as: group blocking, the sixth drawn block, compulsory usage of the player "Libero" in the attack, the wide usage of attacking combinations, including the attack from the second line ("Pipe", "Echelon"), the rotation of aimed planning and power serve in
the jump, which significantly expanded the attacking team arsenal. Conclusion:The role of tactical training side by side with the other elements of training, is quite essential. If students understand how to behave in a game situation, have a certain base of technical skills, they will consciously
use their skills in the game, relying on the positive result and the emotional side of the game, which consists of the individual abilities of each player and, as a result, develops into a team result.


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How to Cite

Grutsyak, N. . (2024). Tactical training in training students who attend volleyball classes in an unsportsmanlike university. Sports Games, (2(12), 4–12. https://doi.org/10.15391/zenodo.2544949


