Nonspecific development means of coordination abilities of handball players at the stage of basic preparation


  • Olena Nesen Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Sergiy Kugayevskiy Sport school «Spars», Ukraine
  • Gleb Strelnikov National aerospace university “Kharkiv aviation institute”, Ukraine



handball players, specific, nonspecific, loads, indicators, means, trainings


Purpose of the research is to raise indicators of coordination abilities of young
handball players using nonspecific means of sports training (exercise on skates). Material and
methods of the research: the analysis of references was carried out for the purpose of
establishment of features of using nonspecific means of sports training in the course of preparation
of handball players; the following tests were used for determination of the level of coordination
preparedness: 1) performance of the maximum quantity of turns on a gymnastic beam. 2) walking
on the line backwards with eyes closed, putting a heel of one leg to a sock of another. 3) Romberg's
test (s). 4) Run of 30 m in the corridor measures 4 m across with performance of five turns through
a full 360o
. The pedagogical experiment with the participation of 2 groups was organized for
establishment of influence of specially selected running exercises on skates on changes of indicators
of coordination abilities of handball players: control group – 14 sportsmen and experimental group
– 12 sportsmen. Skating classes – once a week lasting 45 minutes were entered in addition in the
educational-training process of experimental group. The pedagogical experiment lasted 10 weeks,
and then changes in indicators of coordination abilities of handball players of both groups were
established. The received data were analyzed by means of statistical methods; the reliability in
differences was established by the method of Student t-criterion. Results of the research. Reliable
changes in results of three test exercises from four handball players of experimental group after the
pedagogical experiment are established. Conclusions. Addition of training process of 14-15 year
old handball players by physical tasks, which are performed on skates, has positive impact on
development of coordination abilities, especially as for dynamic and static balance.

Author Biographies

Olena Nesen, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport)

Sergiy Kugayevskiy, Sport school «Spars»

PhD (physical education and sport); head coach of short track speed


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How to Cite

Nesen, O. ., Kugayevskiy, S. ., & Strelnikov , G. (2024). Nonspecific development means of coordination abilities of handball players at the stage of basic preparation. Sports Games, (2(12), 49–58.


