Modern tactical creation of a game of the leading European football clubs of 2018
tactics, style of a game, tactical constructions, soccerAbstract
Research objective: consists in the analysis of tactics of the best high-class
soccer teams. Material: throughout 2018. tactical creation of a game of the soccer teams of the
English and Spanish premier leagues, German Bundesliga, the Italian series A and the French first
league both in protection and in attack were analysed. Methods of research: analysis and
generalization of literary sources, analysis of video recordings of games with the participation of
leading teams, methods of studying the tactical construction of soccer players, methods of
mathematical statistics. Results: The best existing tactical styles of conducting playing soccer in 5
best European championships which players there are best football players of the world are
analysed. The priority directions of tactical creation of a game (tactical schemes) in various clubs
are defined and the factors influencing the choice of tactics on each separate game are underlined.
Tactical actions of high-class teams significantly differ depending on tactical creation of play of the
team of the rival. When choosing effective tactics on a game it is necessary to consider a number of
factors. Modern tactics and the system of arrangement of players on the football field is the main
content of activity of football players during the game and the major factor, at approximately equal
indicators of physical, technical and psychological fitness of two teams ensures a victory of one of
them. Conclusions: Tactical actions of the teams of the high class differ significantly depending on
the tactical construction of the opponent's game. When choosing effective tactics for a game, it is
necessary to take into account a number of factors, the main ones of which are: the capabilities of
their own team (anthropometric indicators of players, team equilibrium, player universalization,
level of physical and technical readiness, etc.), the capabilities of the rival team (the features of
rival anthropometry, style a game that is preached by a rival team, a level of technical and physical
fitness, etc.) and from where the match takes place (in your own or in someone else's field).
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