Sereda The implementation of the tasks of the professionally applied physical preparation of the students of pedagogical universities by means of a game ringo
the Physical Education, students, the professionally applied physical preparation, ringo, the means of ringoAbstract
The relevance of this article is predetermined from the one side by the value of the ringo as
the mean of Physical Education and from the other side by the necessity of reasoning the
possibilities of the means of ringo in formation of professionally essential qualities of students as
the future teachers. The purpose of the researching is to determine the means of ringo , that can be
used for the development of the professionally essential qualities of the future teacher. The
Research methods : the theoretical analysis and generalization of the literature and internet
sources; the generalization of the experience of using the means of ringo in secondary schools and
higher educational establishments; the survey of the participants of ringo; the observation of the
participants of the game. Results. Revealed that means ringo promote harmonious development of
students, comprehensive and versatile effect on the body, improve health; develop physical qualities
and intellectual abilities, promote the absorption of vital motor skills; the development of moral and
volitional qualities, feelings, friendship, teamwork, discipline, endurance and self-control;
parenting skills behavior culture; the development of attention, thinking and memory. In article on
the basis of professional graphic analysis and analysis of sports-pedagogical literature identified
tools game ringo, which are useful for the development of professionally important qualities of
students of pedagogical universities. Conclusions: after analyzing the activities of teachers and
possibilities of Ringo, found that to solve most of the problems of professional-applied physical
training of students (future teachers) by means of Ringo.
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