Motor activity of footballers of high qualification in conditions of competitive activity
goalkeeper, midfielder, forward, rate of run, run speed, walking, dash, defender, volume of motor activityAbstract
Control and analysis of motor activity problems of football players in the process of competitive activity were always in the purview of domestic and foreign
theorists and practitioners. The purpose – is to define indicators of motor activity of football players of the team-participant of the World Championship-2018 in the conditions of competitive activity. Material and methods: indicators of motor activity of football players of the national team
of France were analyzed in 7 games of the World Championship-2018. Such methods of the
research as the analysis of scientific-methodical literature, registration of motor activity and
methods of mathematical statistics were applied. Results: the data characterizing features of motor
activity of football players of the national team of France in the course of competitive activity are
provided in the article. The largest volume of motor movements as a part of the national team of
France in seven games of the World Championship-2018 is noted at the central midfielder N. Kante
(9725 – 11124 m) and the forward A. Griezmann (10270 – 10760 m), and the smallest is at the
goalkeepers H. Lloris (3905 – 4472 m) and S. Mandanda (3060 m). Conclusions: the analysis of
motor activity in the games the World Championship–2018 showed that all football players of the
team of France overcame distance from 97271 till 103543 m in general for the match. The largest
volume of motor movements as a part of this team is characteristic of players of the line of half-back and attack lines. Football players of the national team of France overcame the bigger distance
at the rival’s ball handling
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