Application of agile games to the development of physical qualities of swimmers 8 - 9 years


  • Liliy Sheyko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine



swimmers, physical qualities, development, facilities


Games on water are interesting and useful and if it is correct to use them,
develop many important qualities and skills at engaged. A game creates the atmosphere of a healthy
competition that forces to carry out not just automatically known movements, but to mobilize the
memory, motor experience, to comprehend what occurs, to compare a situation, to estimate actions.
The big emotionality of a game situation recovers work with children, promotes their
encouragement to systematic swimming classes, develops activity, initiative.Purpose: The aim of
the study was to research the impact of agile games on the development of the physical qualities of
swimmers 8–9 years. Data and Methods: The study involved 20 children of 8–9 years of age who
regularly attend swimming lessons. The subjects were divided into two groups: 10 swimmers in
each group by their skill level (experimental group (EG), control group (CG)). Data collection has
been carried out in the training groups of the swimming pool «Pioneer». Methods applied: analysis
of literary sources; test method (control tests), pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation;
method of mathematical data processing. Results: the study showed that EG swimmers significantly
improved test results through the use of a set of agile games during training sessions. The CG also
showed an improvement in performance, but it was not as tangible as compared with the EG.
Changes in indicators of pull-up on a crossbar were especially significant in обох groups of
athletes (in EG – 43.63 %; in CG – 38.7 %) and the test forward inclination of body in a sitting
position (in EG – 29.5 %; in CG – 18.9 %).Conclusion: it was found that sports games are an
integral part of the training of swimmers. The proposed method of using agile games during
training sessions with young swimmers allowed to significantly increase the level of physical
qualities of athletes-swimmers 8–9 years.


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How to Cite

Sheyko, L. . (2024). Application of agile games to the development of physical qualities of swimmers 8 - 9 years. Sports Games, (1(11), 67–74.


