Образ турка як мусульманського фанатика і загарбника. Елементи дегуманізації стереотипу


  • Katarzyna Fijołek Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Польща

Ключові слова:

dehumanization, Turks, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, legacy, stereotype


The aim of this paper is to outline the dehumanization related to the stereotype of Turks, which has existed in the Bulgarian culture for centuries. As Nick Haslam says: “subtle forms of dehumanization are also apparent in everyday social perception, including so-called hate speech”. Turks, being a large ethnic group living in Bulgaria, are still perceived with mistrust as a result of the Ottoman Empire’s legacy and religious diversity. The literature and folklore have impacted this stereotype more than other factors. As a result, the Bulgarian society has adopted an outdated perception of this minority.

Біографія автора

Katarzyna Fijołek, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Катерина Фійолек 

Ягеллонський університет у Кракові 






Демографічні зміни і проблеми національних меншин у Центрально-Східній Європі і на Балканах