Subjective legitimation of legal norms as the factor of ethnic self-consciousness development


  • Kseniia Havrylovska Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine
  • Oksana Shmyhliuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

ethnic self-consciousness, subjective legitimation of legal norms, legal rigorism, legal relativism, legal nihilism


The article analyzes the issue of the subjective legitimation of legal norms in interrelation with ethnic self-consciousness of Ukrainians. The formation of ethnic self-consciousness is limited by the state co-ordinates. Formal and informal rules of human activity is the context in which ethnic stereotypes, traditions, norms of behavior are formed. A special role in this process is played by non-official legal norms. This so-called "Сommon Law" is rooted in the everyday life of each ethnic group. Actually, informal knowledge of the legal norms is a kind of the "marker" that allows members of a particular ethnic group to distinguish proxy allies Usually, the person tries to assimilate the indigenous ethnic group in the process of self-realization is more focused on the formal right, the "letter of the law."

Instead, the common law often contradicts formal law offering shorter (unfortunately, not always completely eligible) ways to achieve planned results (we can see it in politics, business, etc. - when members of other ethnic groups achieved great success at home, but cannot realize their ambitions in our area because of lack of understanding, which is the "spirit of the law", which values are represented). Indeed, the common law is the leader of ethnic self-consciousness, as it is manifested in such essential attribute of every ethnic group as proverbs and sayings. There are levels of the subjective legitimacy of the state legal system in the consciousness of the personality such as legal nihilism, legal relativism, legal rigorism.

Legal rigorism is characterized by a strict observance to legal norms, the legal behavior and thoughts include any compromises and only a strict adherence to law is possible. Legal relativism is characterized by a relative, completely symbolic and variable character. Legal nihilism is characterized by denying legal norms, non-recognition of their importance and significance, emphasizing their banality and formality by tendency to deny their effectiveness in regulation of relations between people. Legal nihilists consider that laws and forbids can be passed over where it can be without punishment and what would be great if the majority of laws and rules were abolished at all.

It was found that a characteristic feature of the mass legal psyche of Ukrainians is a legal relativism; there are no gender differences in the level of the subjective legitimation of the legal norms of the state. Phenomenological legal relativism is reflected in the fact that a person has the right to decide to adhere or not to adhere to legal regulations in each case. The basis of the legal origin of relativism is ambivalence of mass psyche. The legal relativism creates specific conditions for the formation of modern Ukrainian ethnic self-consciousness. Actually, this factor determines some contempt to laws, rules, formal regulations.

The personality considers the legitimacy of their own ideas about justice, the respect for the right as a social institution, and the representatives of the authorities, who are called to bring into action this right in society. Paradoxically, but this ability to the reflection, the concentration on the construct "fair-unfair" forms the "militancy" of Ukrainians, gives them the ability to defend their rights, to rebel against the existing government, to change the course of history, to form their beliefs, to protect them in the interaction with other ethnic groups .

Biogramy autorów

Kseniia Havrylovska, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

Ксенія Гавриловська 

Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка 

Oksana Shmyhliuk, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

Оксана Шмиглюк

Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка







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