Brak woli politycznej do przekształceń demokratycznych jako czynnik pogłębienia się procesów destruktywnych


  • Валентина Смірнова Інститут держави і права імені В. М. Корецького НАН України, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

political will, democratic transformations, destructive processes, neopatrimonyalism, political modernization, incomplete modernization, authoritarianism


The analysis of controversial and ambiguous political processes that have taken place in recent decades in all regions of the world without exception requires further in-depth study. This is especially true of the determining influence of the lack or insufficient utilization of power-volitional aspects in the conditions of transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Fuse deployment destructive processes of social development and statehood must be working effectively state-administrative apparatus at the system level and the political will at the level of functioning of individual and collective actors political and decision-making. In fact, the political will of the national elite as a generator of reforms in the face of modernization challenges appears as a systemic characteristic and prerequisites for the effectiveness of the state-management system as a whole. The lack of consistency in the interaction management, and state authorities, in turn, leads to the expansion and deepening of destructive processes at national or regional level, which is convincing proof of lack of political will in political and business decision-making.

The political development of the post- Soviet countries in the last quarter century, that is, after the collapse of the USSR, proves that one of the examples of deliberate election by the representatives of the national political elite of the destructive vector of state development is the countries of Central Asia, where autocratic regimes of the sultanist type were formed, accompanied by the simultaneous archaization of socio-cultural and economic The life of these countries. Choice destructive vector of development of Central Asia in the form sultanizmu demonstrates the lack of political will of the ruling class of these countries at the beginning of national state when making a decision to break as the colonial and Soviet traditions patrymonializmu, cronyism and nepotism and the transition to democratic practices. The choice of archaism socio-cultural and political life of the national elites in Central Asia was primarily driven by their fear of radical systemic change as a potential threat to personal specifically for these elites, quite correctly be interpreted as a manifestation of the lack of will for democratic change.

Thus, due to the absence or lack of political will of the ruling class in countries neopatrymonialnymy political systems there involutional public-policy process - from upgrading often quietly move to kontrmodernizatsiyi, preserving or incomplete socio-political transformation and publicly reject any changes as Those that are not inherent in the national traditions and mentality of the people. The indicated processes are extremely destructive for the national-state development of countries with incomplete modernization, because they provoke unpredictable consequences in the future. And these consequences can be unpredictable delays at the time, but they do gosudarstvennichesky national development in the future unsecured and non-competitive compared with countries where the political will of the ruling class helped bring modernization transformation to its logical conclusion. Accordingly, further research of the proposed problem should focus on the study of the classification characteristics of manifestations of individual and collective political will and its absence in the modern world.

Biogram autora

Валентина Смірнова, Інститут держави і права імені В. М. Корецького НАН України

Walentyna Smirnowa 

Instytut Państwa i Prawa imienia Wołodymyra Koreckiego Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy w Kijowie






Instytucje i procesy polityczne