Równowaga demograficzno-ekonomiczna jako podstawowy czynnik determinujący bezpieczeństwo podsystemu europejskiego w systemie globalnym


  • Jerzy Świeca Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Poland

Słowa kluczowe:

Security, Demographic-Economic Equilibrium, Multiculturalism


The author analyzing in his article following problems: Conditioning of security for the Western system; Western countries in the global environment in the demographic-economic dimension; Urban centers in the Global South and they influence on western strength; Poland in Europe and in the Western System; Strength or Demise of European multiculturalism. As the European people are in the process of aging, the Old Continent need immigrants, but it must repair the damage that disengagement has brought about. Europe needs a renewal of the civic society based on the proper politics of assimilation and multiculturalism stemming from the tendency to institutionalize. However, the situation now is very difficult as the result of aggressive act of the Islamic State and the wave of immigrants, not only refugees. The main task of this paper is to explain the currently situation without providing any recommendations.

Biogram autora

Jerzy Świeca, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

Юрій Свєца

Педагогічний університет імені Комісії національної освіти у Кракові






Agresja rosyjska і problemy europejskiego bezpieczeństwa