Implikacje rozwoju cywilnej energetyki jądrowej dla europejskiego i światowego bezpieczeństwa


  • Tomasz Młynarski Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Poland

Słowa kluczowe:

climate policy, no emission, proliferation, dual use technology, nuclear weapons


The article is an attempt to make an assessment of arguments for the development of civil nuclear power (non-carbon energy source) in the context of concerns on weakening the non-proliferation regime. The article analyzes dilemmas associated with the spread of civil nuclear power in the world and threats to international security (risk of utilization of dual-use technology for military purposes, trafficking of radioactive materials for the military or terrorists). Therefore, the key condition for the development of civil nuclear power is increasing the effectiveness of the NPT regime, including the acceptance of rigorous checks and inspections from IAEA officials by countries aspiring to join the nuclear program.

Biogram autora

Tomasz Młynarski, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Томаш Млинарський

Ягеллонський університет у Кракові






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