Teoretyczny model, instytucjonalne ryzyko i zalety zbilansowanego półprezydencjonalizmu i oraz perspektywy jego reformowania na Ukrainie


  • Віталій Литвин Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

semi-presidentialism, dual executive, president, prime minister, government, parliament, balanced semi-presidentialism, Ukraine


The article is dedicated to analysing the features of balanced semi-presidentialism compared to other types of semi-presidentialism constitutional system of government. The author outlined theoretical features, institutional risks and positives of balanced semi-presidentialism at the example and experience of different countries and singled the history of formation and prospects for reformation of balanced semi-presidentialism in Ukraine.

In the first part of the study, the researcher dealt with the knowledge of theoretical framework, institutional risks and positives, which are peculiar to a balanced semi-presidentialism in different countries. The author also argued that semi-presidentialism is a system of government and a constitutional model with a position of a nationwide and directly elected for a fixed term president (usually as a head of state, but sometimes as a head of state and a chief executive) and with positions of prime minister and cabinet, which are necessarily collectively responsible to parliament. Accordingly, the author has identified different types of semi-presidential and outlined a phenomenon of balanced semi-presidentialism.

In the second part of the study, the researcher noticed that the problem of balanced semi-presidentialism in Ukraine can be understood only in the context of the consideration of the evolutional consequences of different systems of government in 1991–2015. Based on this, the author analysed the prospects for sustainable development and reformation of balanced semi-presidentialism in Ukraine.

Biogram autora

Віталій Литвин, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Witalij Litwin

Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy imienia Iwana Franki






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