Wyborcza legitymizacja władzy w warunkach transformacji de mokratycznej
Słowa kluczowe:
Ukraine, legitimacy, election, electorate, electoral legitimacy, the electoral processAbstrakt
The issue of the solving of the problem of the raising level of the legitimating of power in the electoral process, which is really low in the eyes of citizens of Ukraine, is raised in the article. The institutional structure, procedures and the electoral process’ mechanisms give the contenders wide opportunities not only for the selfpromotion, but over persuasion of community in the personal ability to ensure effective public management.
The process of the legitimating of the political power is being in progress at every stage of the election long before the official nomination of the candidates for the acquisition of the authority.
The authors of the article suggest the following stages of the election: 1) Constituting; 2) Institutionalization; 3) Realization; 4) Control.
The essential subjects of the power institutions’ formation in the democratic states are political parties. They commit a significant and sometimes decisive influence on the will of the voters. Besides, the parties are being one of the main subjects of the political legitimating during election.
Another indicator of the democratic state is the freedom of the political opposition activity. Numerous attempts to regulate the statute of the political opposition in Ukraine were subordinated to the tasks of its constituting. The four stages of the political opposition constituting are singled out on this basis: 1990-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2010; since October 2010.
The organic component of the legitimating of power in the election is their recognition through the number of the specialized organizations, agencies and institutions of the Council of Europe, European Union, and OSCE, and CIS, etc. The indicators of the international (foreign) legitimating power in Ukraine are singled out in the article.
Copyright (c) 2015 Валерій Бортніков, Віталій Чубаєвський
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