Prawne formy wpływania obywateli na kształtowanie ustawodawstwa: praktyka ukraińska i polska


  • Оксана Кукуруз Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

legislation, rights of citizens, legal forms of participation, participation, public opinion, consultations, policy of law-creation


The possibilities of influence of the Ukrainian and Polish citizens on a decisions and activity of legislators are analysed in this article. The basic legal forms of participation of citizens in law-creation are examined; the policy of law-creation are defined; the possible ways of improvement the dialog between citizens and legislators are determined.

The athour analyses the Ukrainian and Polish legal acts, in which rights of citizens on an address, legislative initiative, access to public information, participation in consultations, in activity of public councils, lobbying are described. The different forms of citizens participation in social and political life are described the Ukrainian and Polish legislation, however there is a question about the effectiveness of such participation. Neither deputies nor representatives of government in Ukraine and in Poland are obliged to take into account opinion and suggestion of NGO in their final decisions or laws. They must collect information, work over it and then accept a responsible decision. The objective consideration of public opinion depends on those persons.

Now it’s necessary to disseminate information among the citizens about the existent legal forms of their participation in creation of legislation. The dialog between the authority and society is necessary

Biogram autora

Оксана Кукуруз, Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України

Oksana Kukuruz

Instytut Państwa i Prawa imienia Wołodymyra Koreckiego Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy w Kijowie






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