Konfrontacyjny charakter stosunków pomiędzy władzą i opozycją na Ukrainie: przyczyny i skutki polityczne
Słowa kluczowe:
parliamentary opposition, government, political competition, political conflict, repositioningAbstrakt
The article analyzes the dynamics of the relationship between the government and the parliamentary opposition in Ukraine. The causes and consequences of political conflict domination style relationship were clarified by the author. He believes that the distinction between opponents held the simplified line “anticommunism” to the complex and contradictory relationship in the triangle “president-parliament-government.” The political consequences of the conflict nature of interaction between government and opposition were minimizing the use of compromise as a tool to resolve disputes, activation of extra-parliamentary forms of political struggle, the attempt to develop mutual control of some political forces over others, stimulate political competition. Conflicts between the government and the opposition began to acquire signs of conflict between advocates support democracy building and its collapse and conservation. Therefore, in 2004 and 2014 repositioning political forces as changing the status on the powerful opposition, accompanied by the intensification of the democratization process. As a result of political actors started implementing new democratic forms and practices lustration of power, style dialogical relationship between government and society, strengthening the capacity of the third sector to influence the ruling elite. This is a prerequisite for the transition to a compromise model of relations between the authorities and the opposition.
Copyright (c) 2015 Василь Бусленко
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