Obywatelskość jako warunek trwania społeczeństwa ukraińskiego


  • Володимир Горбатенко Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

civic participation, citizenship, civic engagement, social setting, decentralization, selforganization


The main problems associated with the need and possibilities of formation of conscious civic involvement in Ukraine. Argued proven that adequate support for this process involves reliance on the appropriate level of personal consciousness, defined the concept of «citizenship» means: the maturity of the political and legal consciousness, a sense of personal involvement in the history and present of the country, awareness of itself as a full citizen social community. Displaying objective conditions of social activity in Ukraine. It was found that for civic engagement indicate that voluntary desire of the population to defend their country, to determine a stable tendency to overcome the crisis of identity, the awareness of the bulk of the population of individual responsibility for the country. The main forms of civic participation, active involvement of members of society in the management of public and state affairs, the impact on management decisions and monitoring their implementation, the development of various forms of self-defense and self-organization, and others. The example of Donbass occupied followed social settings influence the formation of the identity of the region.

Discovered stabilizing role of decentralization and establishing full main directions of civil society.

Biogram autora

Володимир Горбатенко, Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України

Włodzimierz Gorbatenko

Instytut Państwa i Prawa imienia Wołodymyra Koreckiego Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy w Kijowie






Społeczeństwo obywatelskie w Polsce i na Ukrainie