Partycypacja obywatelska jako determinanta transformacji demokratycznej na współczesnej Urainie
Słowa kluczowe:
public participation, communication, communicative potential, transformation, democracyAbstrakt
The issues of civic participation in configurations of movements, associations, organizations and associations as a potential catalyst of democratic transformation of democratic processes in modern Ukraine are examined in the article. Civic participation is understood as the methods and means of communication in the form of exchanges outlined by institutional and value ordering system.
It is studied that an important incentive for a citizen’s participation in social and political life is trust/distrust, which acts as a catalyst, a specific type of communication links that makes development of socio-political sphere more dynamic. Distrust is the special type of communication links, which creates political control and demand of accountability from institutions of political power. It was investigated that civic participation through displays of communication capacity, has an ability to implement the national practice of the three-phase model of socio-political transformation, liberalization, democratization, democratic consolidation. Unfortunately, in modern terms this process is reduced to the functions of «mass suggestion ritual», which aims to «convince citizens in their involvement» in the political process.
Copyright (c) 2015 Оксана Макух
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