Kształtowanie się instytucji obywatelskości demokratycznej na Ukrainie z uwzględnieniem wymiaru symbolicznego
Słowa kluczowe:
civic consciousness, symbol, reality, archetypical, symbolism, stereotypes, identityAbstrakt
The conceptual structure of the institute of democratic civic consciousness with the effect of symbolic component influence on the process of formation of the Institute for Democratic Citizenship is determined in this work. In this investigation are used the institutional approach for the understanding of civic consciousness as a political institution and determination of the conceptual framework of the components of citizenship through its social purpose as part of the community which is a bearer of identity as the source of personality and ability to organize themselves in a political context. With the help of the psychological approach the essence of the functioning of the institute of civic consciousness is considered, where an important role is played by symbolic component. The analysis of the survey on the impact of political symbols on the mood of students of the Southern region of Ukraine which were conducted by the author in December 2014 is provided. The influence of internal and external challenges of the Ukrainian society of the end of 2013th and beginning of 2015th on the formation of a collective citizenship i.e. civic consciousness as a political practice is investigated.
The study has scientific and practical value and the purpose of determining the strategy of the national policy of political socialization of citizens, taking into account the effect of unifying influence of the state national symbols and national language.
Copyright (c) 2015 Віра Ярошенко
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