Rozwój instytucji partycypacji obywatelskiej na poziomie regionalnym na Ukrainie
Słowa kluczowe:
regional development, regional policy, executive bodies, public participation, local selfgovernment, forms of citizen participationAbstrakt
The article deals with the analysis of mechanisms of public participation in the regional policy and determination of means of dialogue between the regions and community. In the first part of the article, the author defines the essence of the concept of political participation. The author also outlines the concepts of citizen participation and public relations.
The next part of the text is devoted to the normative and legal regulation of institute of political participation in the development and implementation of regional policy. It defines the principles of cooperation between the executive power and institutions of civil society and reveals the main forms of citizen participation in the formulation and implementation of public policy. The researcher summarizes the reasons of inefficiency of regional self-government in Ukraine.
The author thus asserts that implementation of the policy of partnership, transparency and accountability will help improve the system of self-government, increase the level of local democracy and consolidate the local community.
Therefore, the main conclusion of the article is that the effectiveness of forms of political participation is an objective necessity for the development of the state in general, and for strengthening at the regional level.
Copyright (c) 2015 Наталія Голуб’як
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