Organizacja i przeprowadzanie pokojowych zebrań w Republice Autonomicznej Krymu: analiza prawno-normatywna (stan na rok 2011)


  • Назар Розік Східноєвропейський національний університет ім. Лесі Українки, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

peaceful assembly, legal regulation, norms of the direct action, local governmental acts, organization of public events, forms of peaceful assembly, rights and freedoms guarantees


The article presents an analysis of the regulatory legal framework as to the reglamentation of the peaceful assembly holding in some regions of Ukraine, including Crimea. The procedure and the right to hold peaceful assembly at local and departmental acts of local governments and their compliance with the Basic Law of the country are defined.

The article gives a detailed analysis of normatively-legal base in relation to regulation of realization of peaceful assembly in Crimea. It is specially noted that absence of legal settlement of mass measures results in numerous abuses, violations of rights for citizens. Attention is drawn to the fact that freedom of peaceful assembly is one of the fundamental human rights confessed by world community.

The study showed that all decisions were taken by local authorities in the Crimea, contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine – the law of direct action – and limit the rights of citizens. It comes as no surprise that peaceful measures spontaneously turn into protest events, accompanied by radical slogans and numerous offenses.

Biogram autora

Назар Розік, Східноєвропейський національний університет ім. Лесі Українки

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