Kształtowanie się kultury obywatelskości społeczeństwa ukraińśkiego w warunkach rozwoju „młodej demokracji”


  • Світлана Бульбенюк Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

civil society, the culture of citizenship, democratization, modernization, Ukraine


We consider the problems of creating a culture of citizenship as a new quality of civil society in modern Ukraine. The author attempted to find answers to the following questions: «What guidelines should be based new quality of domestic civil society, and to perform tasks which it should be directed?»; «What is the specificity of social, political, economic and cultural conditions of the environment in which culture formed citizenship Ukrainians?»; «What should be the criteria and indicators of the actual formation of the primary forms of cultural citizenship Ukrainians?». The author convincingly proves that the mutual responsibility of citizens and the state is one of those bases that effectively contributes to the strengthening of civil society, the formation of a new quality culture of citizenship. Of particular importance is the responsibility of the state towards its citizens and the institutions of civil society. After all, the political responsibility of the state determines, among other things, and a paradigm shift of cooperation between state authorities and civil society, its transformation from the model of “public (government) policy” to the model of “public politics”. On the other hand, only responsible citizens able to make informed choices during the election period and to be an effective controller of government between elections. It is this aspect of citizen responsibility could be one of the objective indicators of maturity of civil society in Ukraine, the real possibilities of its impact on the activities state.

Biogram autora

Світлана Бульбенюк, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Swiełana Bulbeniuk

Kijowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny imienia Wadyma Hetmana






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