Społeczno-polityczna postawa wołyńskiego i podolskiego duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego w polskich powstaniach 1830-31 i 1863 roku


  • Інна Шостак Національний університет «Острозька академія», Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

the Roman Catholic clergy, the November rebellion, the January rebellion, Volhyn, Podolia


The article analyzes the role of the Roman Catholic clergy during the Polish rebellions of 18301831 and 1863. Geography of research is Volhyn and Podolia, which were a part of the Russian empire in the 19 century. The confrontation between the Russian autocracy and the Roman Catholic clergy intensified after the November rebellion of 1830-1831. The Roman Catholic clergy had not only religious functions. It had enough resources to preserve the national identity of Poles. Therefore, public and political position of the Roman Catholic clergy of Volhyn and Podolia influenced political life of the region.

The Polish national movement for Catholic priests of Volhyn and Podolia was closest to the national spirit, because the majority of them were Poles by nationality. Having a significant influence over their parishioners, the priests tried to form a sense of patriotism among the parishioners. Another reason for the participation of the Roman Catholic clergy in the rebellions associated with the status of the Roman Catholic Church. In the Russian Empire the Church was subordinate to secular authority. The pressure on the Roman Catholic Church carried out the Orthodox Church. These factors contributed to the fact that much of Catholic priests became the opposition to the autocracy and Orthodoxy.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the Catholic clergy in the deployment of both the November and January rebellions in the 19 century. Of course, most priests were not holding weapons in their hands. However, their preaching was to convince the peasants to support the rebellion. Churches and monasteries were used to shelter insurgents and their weapons.

Biogram autora

Інна Шостак, Національний університет «Острозька академія»

Inna Szostak

Uniwersytet Narodowy „Akademia Ostrożska”






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