Etniczny czynnik tendencji konserwatywnych w procesie politycznym


  • Юлия Емельянова Восточноевропейский национальный университет имени Леси Украинки, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

Ethnos, Cultural Subject, Ethnos as a functional organization, Social process, Conservative Trends


The authors understanding of ethnos as a fundamental subject of social reality is offered in this article. Existence of ethno-social modus of social reality is grounded from the position of global evolutionism concept, integral, social-cultural and a few other positions.

Author points out that conservative mechanisms in functionality of ethnos as a social organisation, create and preserve the main conditions of human existence as a species and as a subject of a socio-political changed.

Author believes that rhythms of ethnos existence, being fundamental amongst the rhythms of general social dynamics, determine, among other, the rhythms of socio-political changes.

Rapid changes determined by modern globalization phase cause the “rupture” in social tissue forcing ethnos to apply stabilising mechanisms of existence.

The raise of ethnical stabilising mechanism appears as a conservative trend which holds back the rationally designed changes in socio-political process. Explicated approval mechanism of ethnic and cultural diversity in a globalizing world.

Biogram autora

Юлия Емельянова, Восточноевропейский национальный университет имени Леси Украинки

Julia Jemelianowa

Wschodnioeuropejski Uniwersytet Narodowy imienia Łesi Ukrainki w Łucku






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