Specyfika komunikacji politycznej w konflikcie etniczno-politycznym
Słowa kluczowe:
political communication, mediatization of the political communication, ethnopolitical conflict, representative democracy, civil societyAbstrakt
The article analyzes the main features of the crisis political communication and the peculiarities of political communication impact on the multiethnic society during the ethnopolitical conflict. The key aim of the article is to discover the circumstances under which political communication serves as a hinder of ethnopolitical conflict intensification or as a mechanism of conflict regulation. It was taken into consideration that modern political communication is proceed its mediatization stage where the transmission of information and communication is based on using media channels, information and communicative technologies. Conditions under which political communication obtains crisis characteristics are defined. The basic manipulative techniques of modern mass media in ethnopolitical sphere that can be used for the purposeful influence on emotional and perceptual sphere of human’s feelings are determined. A theoretical analysis of the basic features of propaganda in ethnopolitical conflict is performed. Specific recommendations for optimizing the communicative space in the interethnic interaction are given. The mechanisms of the crisis political communication rationalization, based on the concept of representative democracy and civil society are proposed.
Copyright (c) 2015 Габріелла Родик
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