„Miękka siła” jako podstawa współczesnej strategii geopolitycznej


  • Володимир Горбатенко Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

geopolitical strategy, «soft power», «hard power», «reasonable force», public diplomacy


The phenomenon of the “soft power” as one of the effective means of improving the efficiency of influence of the state has been considered. The attractiveness of the soft power, the arsenal of its instruments, such as economic projects supporting and new promising markets opening, questions of energy and food security, cooperation in the sphere of science and technology, cultural and humanitarian relations, has been analyzed.

The attention is paid to the effectiveness of the public diplomacy, especially in the long-term perspective, importance of the particular country presence in the world media space, which is brightly seen in the terms of conflict or crisis situations. The examples of absence of the “soft power” explicit policy of Ukraine in the sphere of information and communication are adduced, and the evidence of that was coverage of events related to the Russian-Georgian war. The emphasis is made on the urgent need of intensifying of the “soft power” policy in Ukraine in conditions of inability of achieving success through the use of “hard power”.

It has been proposed to use the “soft power” also for the purposes of internal policy and supplement of the communication model strategy “from government to government” by the means of new principle - “from country to country”, “from society to society”, “from region to region”, “from people to people”.

The main approaches, which are the prerequisites for the formation of such policy, in particular the idea of a weak but steady influence; the concept of “cultural and ideological hegemony” and the idea of “ethical state”; the concept of power of T. Parsons; views of Ukrainian scientist Vyacheslav Lypynskiy, has been considered.

The examples of the soft power in EU and France policies has been demonstrated; on the basis of analysis of the ‘soft power’ creation experience in Ukraine has been shown the main directions of its practical application.

Biogram autora

Володимир Горбатенко, Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України

Włodzimierz Gorbatenko 






Geopolityka i stosunki międzynarodowe