Istota i znaczenie modelu „demokracji etnicznej”: krytyczna analiza etnokonfliktologiczna


  • Ольга Маруховська-Картунова Університет економіки та права «КРОК», Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

science of ethnopolitical conflicts, “ethnic democracy’ model, “core ethnic nation”, “non-core ethnic minorities”, civic democracy


The essence and the function of the “ethnic democracy” model in the context of the critical ethnoconflictological analysis has been deduced. Its main postulates and features are elucidated on the basis of the new data. The scientific inadequacy and non-democratic character of the “ethnic democracy” model has been ostended. It has been proved that the propaganda of this model and the attempts to put it into practice produce a conducive circumstances to the nascence and escalation of the ethnopolitical conflicts.

Biogram autora

Ольга Маруховська-Картунова, Університет економіки та права «КРОК»

Maruchowska-Kartunowa Olga






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