Wpływ czynników zewnętrznych i wewnątrzpolitycznych na proces konsolidacji narodowej Ukrainy


  • Оксана Пашкова ПВНЗ «Європейський університет» (м. Київ), Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

consolidation, nation, national idea, state, civil society, national elite, democratization of the society, subjects of international relations, international organizations, diaspora


The article deals with the problem of the modern Ukrainian nation unification and the factors of national consolidation process. The estimation of the influence character of the basic domestic and foreign political consolidation factors in the period of Ukraine’s Independence has been accomplished. The necessity for creation of the conventional methodological model that could synthesize and integrate theoretical work of scholars on consolidation issues, taking into account the influence of both internal and external factors on the process of national consolidation Ukraine, has been demonstrated.

Biogram autora

Оксана Пашкова, ПВНЗ «Європейський університет» (м. Київ)

Paszkowa Oksana






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