Elita narodowa jako czynnik tworzenia państwa: lekcje z przeszłości i realia współczesne


  • Микола Козловець Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

elite, national elite, statehood, state-building, nation- building, independence, globalization


The role of political elite in the process of the state building is investigated on the basis of the analysis of the historical experience and current practice in Ukraine. Determining the dependence of Ukrainian Statehood establishing and strengthening on the basis of national elite the author affirms that Ukraine stepped in the Independence stage with quasi-elite, which is unable to fulfil the national idea in its full meaning. The current status and perspectives for the further development of the Ukrainian society in conditions of globalization demand the formation and accession of the national conscious elite to the State government.

Biogram autora

Микола Козловець, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка

Kozłowiec Mikołaj






Elity polityczne