Wpływ tradycji na charakter modernizacji politycznej w kontekście analizy instytucji głowy państwa krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Ameryki Łacińskiej
Słowa kluczowe:
Chief Magistrate Institution, political modernization, system transformation, transition society, political tradition, post-communismAbstrakt
The influence of tradition, historical & political experience of Central-Eastern Europe & Latin America countries on the transformation vector of Chief Magistrate institution is highlighted in the article. It is defined that various modifications of Chief Magistrate institution are a sequence to the political systems Central-Eastern Europe & Latin America countries in most essential periods of socially-state development are changed under the influence of different factors, that unite in itself both constitutionally-legal descriptions & signs of nationalpolitical culture, the state history, its mental constituents.##submission.downloads##
Copyright (c) 2012 Микола Примуш, Юрій Коваль
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