Tworzenie się ukraińskiej elity rządowo-administracyjnej w kontekście spuścizny ideowej Wacława Lipińskiego


  • Валерій Бортніков Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

elite, state, democratic transformation, the political regime, neopatrymonial relationship


The article is devoted to the role of the Ukrainian ruling elite in the process of nation-building and democratic transformation. The specific conditions of its formation in Ukraine, the characteristic features and peculiarities are pointed out. The dynamics of contemporary political regime in the context of the antinomies — democracy/ authoritarianism is investigated. Considerable attention is paid to the disclosure of shadow aspect of policy relations, the role of political and economic groups in determining the vector of social change.

Biogram autora

Валерій Бортніков, Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

Bortnikow Walery






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