Rostysław Laszczenko o fundamentalnych zasadach i kierunkach działalności Ukraińskiego Związku Narodowego


  • Ольга Івасечко Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

Ukrainian National Union, Hetman state, the democratic principles of national interests, the consolidation of national forces


The views of the famous Ukrainian lawyer R. Lashchenko on the activities of the Ukrainian National Union, an organization that was in opposition to the government P. Skoropadski are analyzed in the articles. The attention is paid to the principles that guided R. Lashchenko in the Union, the consolidation of all conscious national forces, the democratic principles of activity, the advantage of national interests above party. The relevance of data views in a modern Ukrainian nation are presented.

Biogram autora

Ольга Івасечко, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»

Iwaseczko Olga






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